Microns and Brands: Made for Each Other (Part 8)

Microns: More Examples

With the help of my colleagues, we put together many more ideas for microns.


Seasonal/festival-sensitive tips for cosmetics (for inactive subscribers)

#1 What make-up to wear for Diwali etc.
#2 How to avoid skin damage after Holi

#1 What makeup to wear for a wedding

E.g How to avoid dry skin in the winter, and how you can use make-up to mask it
Daily make-up tips/routine depending on the weather

Beginner make-up tips for first-time visitor to website

After purchase of product
#1 Here is a tutorial on how to use this product
#2 Videos/Insta posts using that product/product line
#3 Best occasions (weather as well) to use the product
#4 Products that are complementary (suggestions)


After student enrolled to a class/course
#1 Entire class schedule and syllabus including assignments due, date of quizzes etc.
#2 Morning reminder of classes for the day, assignments due etc.
#3 Evening reminder of homework due, how to prepare for next day’s classes

Enrolled but not going to class
#1 Tips on managing course in a busy schedule
#2 Pointers on some exciting snippets from the class/ lesson plan
#3 How other members in the cohort are benefitting (FOMO)
#4 Lesson catchup (if synchronous/ time-bound lessons)
#5 Catch-up segments from classes

Pre-purchase but been on course site 
#1 Free content preview of say one lesson in the course
#2 Mini e-book
#3 Offer to ‘audit’ the course for one (demo/live) lesson
#4 Success stories/ Testimonials from folks who have taken the course
#5 Suggestions on other similar courses
#6 Option for say certification/ just course completion and the different benefits
#7 Open house with the trainers/ counsellors
#8 Tips on managing this course with a full-time job/ school
#9 Offers (if paid course)


After looking up a gadget on site
#1 Review of the gadget
#2 Special use cases specific to that gadget
#3 Comparison of similar/same gadget from a rival company


Customer has savings and is eligible to set up a DEMAT account
#1 Email with suggestions on what to do with Savings
#2 Benefits of DEMAT
#3 How to set up a DEMAT account with snapshots of bank/NBFC’s website (3 simple steps)
#4 How to start, tips or suggestions
#5 Daily morning and evening update of portfolio with suggestion to “sell or do not sell”
#6 Daily tips for stocks, link to articles on trends

Published by

Rajesh Jain

An Entrepreneur based in Mumbai, India.